Assembly Adopts New Provision Regarding Membership
In an effort to resolve the concerns raised two years ago by the "Chen case" with regard to the discipline of members who abandon the worship and work of a local church, the 24th General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted the proposal of its Bills and Overtures (B&O) Committee to amend the BCO by adding more specific language and placing the provision in the chapter on "Cases Without Process."

Assembly Adopts Judicial Procedures Report
The 24th General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted the recommendations of the Ad Interim Committee on Judicial Procedures. The major proposal, which was considered as a package, passed 791-17.
Chairman David Coffin led the court through a one hour informal consideration of the report, before the actual voting took place. Reflecting on the unanimous votes by his committee, Mr. Coffin facetiously remarked, "I must admit, I was tempted to try the omnibus motion, but I will resist that temptation." One of the points he raised was to note that, if the proposal is adopted of having the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) reports spread on the minutes of General Assembly without the court voting on them, under most circumstances no member of the court would be allowed to register a protest, dissent, or objection.

Assembly Addresses Homosexual Issues
Reflecting current societal unrest regarding homosexuality, the 24th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) several times had the topic raised. On the opening night of the Assembly, host pastor Dr. D. James Kennedy warned the commissioners that there was going to be a demonstration outside the church building the next night. According to Kennedy, the organizers of the pro-homosexual demonstration had predicted that 1500-2000 people would show up, making it one of the largest such gatherings in Southern Florida. Concerning these activists, he said, with understatement, "They're not very happy with me."

Assembly Condemns Disney for Promotion of Homosexuality
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America condemned The Disney Company for its promotion of the homosexual lifestyle. RE Tom Leopard from Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham had raised the issue by means of a personal resolution which would have had the General Assembly "go on record expressing our deep disappointment for these corporate actions by The Disney Company," "affirm the employees of The Disney Company who embrace and share our convictions," "encourage Christians to give serious and prayerful reconsideration to their purchase and support of Disney products," "encourage churches and presbyteries of the PCA to assist in informing the Christian community of these issues," and "instruct the Stated Clerk to send copies of this resolution to Michael Eisner, CEO of The Disney Company, and to the news media."